Wedding reception

In norway when the bride goes to the toilet the girls all kiss the groom... When the groom goes to the toilet the boys all kiss the the bride... Shane just kissed both ;-) - RIGHT NOW! -

Wedding time

For kim's friend from school - RIGHT NOW! -

January 09 NEWS

Hello friends and family all over the globe,

It has been a while since we gave you all a proper update on what we are doing these days. Well, here it is!

As some of you know, we are currently living in the land of Norway. We felt it was the right time for us to move to Norway after our adventure in Thailand. We swooped by Perth for a little week, and then we continued our travels to the North.


KIM is studying nursing at the University in Stavanger at the moment, while also working part time at a nursing home on some weekends. It is going good, and she’s now in her last part (2nd semester) of her first year at Uni. The Norwegian school year is divided into two; 1st semester, which can also be called fall semester, and the 2nd semester, which can also be called spring semester. It has been a very challenging time, and she’s realized that it takes a lot of time of reading and doing assignments. It had been about 3 yrs since she’d been in a school setting like this, and in the beginning it was hard to keep up with everything going on in school. Things have been going better though, and she passed all of her exams! (she aced her exams cos she’s a smarty head ;)

Now she’s enjoying school a lot more and she also has found some friends who she spends her school days with. None of them are Christians, so it has from time to time been challenging to be a witness to them. They all know that she is a Christian, and it’s been a joy for Kim to tell them about what she was doing in Thailand. Please continue to pray that she would be a light to her friends, and that God would open their heart for Jesus.

SHANE is also in school. He is learning NORWEGIAN! He has been going there for about 4.5 months, and is learning to write, read and speak in NORSK. They have just moved over to a computer based course which the geek in him loves! They still have lots of classes with a teacher and working together also. He has made lots of new friends in his school - with people from Thailand, Somalia, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Philippines, Russia, Poland & more... It’s such an amazing place to be. Shane often goes to their houses to hangout while they eat together & also has become their personal computer repair man. Shane is heaps excited about the opportunities there are to reach out to his friends from so many nations and religions. Please pray that he will have wisdom & boldness packed with love.

WE have joined a local church (30 mins by train) called Sandnes Sentrumkirken & it is a big blessing to be a part of this church, connecting and being inspired. The church has a really youthy feel, but has its fair share of not so youthy people too. Shane sings regularly on the worship music team & is now helping them by designing most of the churches flyers & programs.

We still continue to wait for Shane’s VISA to come through. It has been a long process so far, but the end is almost in sight! Back in October we were told that the application had been rejected as we did not meet the financial requirement (this had been increased just prior to our application, but we were not informed). After realising they had given him an option to either leave the country in a few weeks or make a complaint.... we filed an official complaint, and Kim found a part time job to cover the extra money needed (as Shane is not allowed to work until the VISA is approved). Then we waited... again. Just last week Shane called the immigration office to ask how it was going & if he could speak with the person in charge of his case.

They continue to say that there is no one specifically assigned to the case and it is simply with a group of case workers. This seems to be code for, ‘they’ll get around to it later’. They are now saying that someone will be assigned to the case in a month & we will get an answer in early March... that will be amazing! Please pray with us that the answer will come even sooner and also with big YES! Shane will then be allowed to get a job & we will be able to find a place of our own to live :-)

NOW.. WHAT YOU’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR... BABY SURPRISE!! :-) Yeah that’s right... we’re expecting a little one around August 16th. We just went to the doctor today for the first time & so now it’s “official”! This new year is going to be a great one with some big changes and we are excited for our family to grow. This means that Kim will need to take a year off studies starting in June & plans to continue again after that break. PARENTHOOD HERE WE COME! :-)

We will continue to keep you all updated & we’d love to hear from you also! Thanks so much for your friendship & support (both prayerfully & financially) in the past, in this time of settling in & in the future.

Love Shane & Kim


PHONE is seriously the way to go! :-)
If you’re in AUSTRALIA, believe it or not you can now call us on an Australian (Perth) phone number & it will only cost you a local call! So go on give it a go
- (08) 6102 1226 -
*STD rates may apply from country areas & standard Mobile rates

shane: +47 4809 3917 & kim: +47 9514 6478

SKYPE for free voice & video calls! :-)
usernames: shanebeckingham & kimbjoerk

EMAIL works too! &

WEBSITE is the place to be!