Glimpses of Kim's Tummy... Week 32 :-)

Dyreparken part 2

Loving the sweet mid journey pirate boat war between Captain Sabeltann's boat and the ghost ship, the yelling across the water and the loud gun powder noises + the fact the boats could sail backwards without sails open, priceless. For everything else, there's kim's mastercard...

Dyreparken part 1

Checkout the ALBINO wallaby, all the others were picking on the "white sheep" of the family :-(

To Kristiansand! Plane or train... Pretty much the same?

Note the airsicknessbag, what the? :-) - RIGHT NOW! -

Kim's mini update

I was just thinking that it has actually been a while since we wrote anything on our blog. We've mostly just put up photos of all sorts of random things... and sometimes the photos just doesn't tell the whole story. So now I'm gonna WRITE a little bit for all of you who check our blog from time to time, and also for myself so I don't forget how to write in English :)

Right now I'm on summer holidays. I finished my exams and all is good. The only bummer is that I didn't finish my job experience with the school. I was suppose to be working at a nursing home for ten weeks total, but couldn't finish my last two weeks because of the back problems I was having. Yes, the baby in my tummy was getting heavier and heavier. So I have applied to finish those last two weeks next spring in 2010. The worst thing that could happen is that I would have to do the whole ten weeks all over again. So I'm praying that the school would accept my application and just let me do those two weeks that I have left.

The baby is doing fine. I was at the doctor a couple a weeks ago, and she told me after she did her measurements, that it actually was a pretty big baby. It is hiding pretty well though, so I don't look very big. I am now almost 30 weeks.

I don't want to make this update too long so I will end it here. I'm sure you will see more of me now that I'm on holidays ;)

Love, Kim

New battery for my MBP!

The battery saga has finally come to an end :-) - RIGHT NOW! -