Good old times!

Shopping - RIGHT NOW! -

SNOW!!! :-)

Almost... They call it Sludd (sleet i guess)... Kinda Rain + Snow! IT'S STILL CRAZY TOWN AMAZING. I threw my sludd ball... Ohh yeah! but sadly no one was around to get hit :-) - RIGHT NOW! -

Kim on the way to her first day @ work!


Cape Gooseberry

When Shane was a little kid, his brother, sister and cousins used to eat them at Grandma's farm in Mukibudin! They'd get them straight of the bush and it didn't matter if they weren't ripe yet... You'd just get a tummy ache :-) eating them - RIGHT NOW! -

Pizza Fun


Someone painted the train


Shane er på norsk skolen i dag


New church & chinese

Tonight we went to Sentrum Church which is in Sandnes. It is the church kim was baptised in 5 years ago :-) it's was a really cool church, with a rocking band and we will go back next sunday to check it out again! After that we went and ate some chinese food... And it was good :-) - Right Tonight! - - i just found there website... so you can check it out in norwegian ;-)

Dry those hands!

I just used the most amazing hand dryer ever! You insert both hands downwards into the opening (i had one holding the camera). Your hands are then dried by warm air coming out of lots of little holes at a higher pressure than your everyday ordinary one. It takes about 10-15 seconds :-) - RIGHT NOW! -