Skype Pranks 2

On the 7th we got another skype prank voice mail msg via our Perth phone number +61(8)61021226 . Feel free to call us for a chat or to do the same :-)

Guess the language and person and leave your answers in the comment section ;-)

p.s. for more info on the cost of calling us... click on this post's

Disclaimer: These calls may or may not be legitimate calls. The use of the term Skype Pranks is used lightly and intended to attract attention only. Therefore the intent of the person who placed the call may not be correctly represented by the authors of this blog. ;-)


Anonymous said...

That would be Shehan, right? A very good version of a Thai girl saying Hello ;)

Shane said...

yep that would be him alright :-) He does do a great girl voice... the only give away for it being a boy is that he say Krup instead of Ka hehe.

Anonymous said...

ok. So on listening again, I think I can hear a "p" at the end. Thought I was being smart ;)

Shane said...

hehe :D You are smart! You still totally get an ¨E¨ for Effort! XOXO